Things to be aware in Retirement life

What is the difference between Indemnity and Reimbursement Long Term Care (LTC) Policies?

Put in the context of retirement income planning, Long Term Care (LTC) insurance is a useful tool with a great deal of flexibility to suit both financial and personal goals.  While certainly not inexpensive in most cases, note that one of the major benefits of LTC insurance is, indeed, savings protection.

In general, there are two types of LTC policies:

In either case, benefits will be paid when the insured is unable to perform two out of six "activities of daily living" (ADLs). These include bathing, caring for incontinence, dressing, eating, toileting or transferring (mobility in or out of a bed or chair, for example).  When these become an issue, a medical review and an approved "plan of care" will begin the claim process. Once approved, the insured will likely have to pay out of pocket for long-term care services during the elimination period.   

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