TRS-80 Books and Mags

List of Books available in cpm archive site (Humongous)


File Size File Size File Size File Size
1001 Things To Do With Your TRS-80 (1984)(Tab Books).pdf.7z 12,118 K Computer Art and Animation for the TRS-80 (1983)(David L Heiserman).pdf.7z 15,171 K Island of Secrets (1984)(Usborne Publishing).pdf.7z 6,720 K Structured BASIC 2nd Edition (1989)(SouthWestern Publishing).pdf.7z 18,359 K
119 Practical Programs for the TRS-80 (1982)(Tab Books).pdf.7z 6,223 K Computer Art and Animation for the TRS-80 (1983)(Prentice-Hall).pdf.7z 13,586 K Katie and the Computer (1979)(Creative Computing Press).pdf.7z 16,151 K Super Extended Basic Unravelled II (1999)(Spectral Associates).pdf.7z 860 K
24 Tested Ready-To-Run Game Programs in BASIC (1978)(Tab Books).pdf.7z 8,085 K Computer Battlegames (1982)(Usborne Publishing).pdf.7z 7,119 K Kids to Kids on the Color Computer (1983)(Datamost Inc).pdf.7z 11,647 K SuperMap Level II ROM Documentation (1979)(Fuller Software).pdf.7z 1,341 K
25 Graphics Programs in Microsoft BASIC (1983)(Tab Books).pdf.7z 11,455 K Computer Bible Games (1984)(Accent Books).pdf.7z 5,611 K Kids Working with Computers (1985)(Childrens Press).pdf.7z 1,611 K Tandys Little Wonder (1993)(Farna Systems).pdf.7z 5,033 K
33 Adult Computer Games in BASIC (1983)(Tab Books).pdf.7z 13,991 K Computer Demonstrator (19xx)(Radio Shack).pdf.7z 17,791 K Learning Level II (1979)(Compusoft Publishing).pdf.7z 10,492 K Tandys Money Machine (1992)(Mobium Press).pdf.7z 29,214 K
33 Challenging Computer Games (1981)(Tab Books).pdf.7z 7,830 K Computer Programming for the Compleat Idiot 1st Ed (1979)(Design Enterprises).pdf.7z 10,124 K Learning the 6809 (19xx)(Green Mountain Micro).7z 154 K Teach Your TRS-80 To Program Itself (1984)(Tab Books).pdf.7z 8,295 K
34 More Tested Game Programs in BASIC (1981)(Tab Books).pdf.7z 8,349 K Computer Programming for the Compleat Idiot 2nd Ed (1984)(Design Enterprises).pdf.7z 15,154 K Learning TRS-80 BASIC (1982)(Compusoft Publishing).pdf.7z 23,646 K The Alternate Source - Volume 1 (1981)(The Alternate Source).pdf.7z 18,741 K
500 Pokes Peeks N Execs for the TRS-80 Color Computer (1986)(Kishore M Santwani).pdf.7z 3,719 K Computer Programming in BASIC for Everyone (1973)(Houghton Miflin).pdf.7z 16,235 K Level II ROMs (1983)(Tab Books).pdf.7z 17,627 K The B00K - Volume 1 (1980)(Insiders Software Consultants).pdf.7z 8,164 K
500 Pokes Peeks N Execs for the TRS-80 Color Computer Supplement (1986)(Kishore M Santwani).pdf.7z 4,254 K Computer Spacegames (1982)(Usborne Publishing).pdf.7z 19,312 K Level II ROMs 1st Edition (1983)(Tab Books).pdf.7z 24,591 K The B00K - Volume 2 (1981)(Insiders Software Consultants).pdf.7z 4,310 K
55 Advanced Computer Programs in BASIC (1981)(Tab Books).pdf.7z 10,093 K Computer Spy Games (1984)(Usborne Publishing).pdf.7z 3,850 K Machine Language Disk IO and Other Mysteries (1983)(Michael J Wagner).pdf.7z 14,422 K The Source - Volume 1 (1984)(Logical Systems Inc).pdf.7z 17,481 K
57 Practical Programs and Games in BASIC (1978)(Tab Books).pdf.7z 5,393 K Computers For Kids (1980)(Creative Computing Press).pdf.7z 4,305 K Mastering Multiplan (1984)(Tab Books).pdf.7z 9,587 K The Source - Volume 1 (1984)(Logical Systems Inc)[a].pdf.7z 263 K
80 Micro's Review Guide 1st Edition (1983)(Wayne Green Inc).pdf.7z 42,813 K Conquering Adventure Games (1984)(Carl Townsend).pdf.7z 6,728 K Mastering OS-9 on the Tandy Color Computer (1995)(Farna Systems).pdf.7z 665 K The Source - Volume 2 (1984)(Logical Systems Inc).pdf.7z 25,859 K
80 Practical Timesaving Programs (1982)(Tab Books).pdf.7z 5,531 K Control Your TRS-80 (1983)(Ian Stewart).pdf.7z 13,047 K Microcomputer Sourcebook for Educators (1980)(Radio Shack).pdf.7z 6,842 K The Source - Volume 3 (1984)(Logical Systems Inc).pdf.7z 20,579 K
80 Programs for the TRS-80 (1979)(Jim Perry).pdf.7z 11,751 K Creating Simulation Games on Your Computer (1986)(Ballantine Books).pdf.7z 14,006 K Micromputers Mean Business (1983)(Tandy).pdf.7z 5,778 K Things To Do With Your Model 4 (1983)(Signet).pdf.7z 28,429 K
8080 and Z-80 Assembly Language Techniques (1981)(John Wiley and Sons).pdf.7z 30,320 K Creative TRS-80 (1983)(Creative Computing Press).pdf.7z 65,700 K Microsoft BASIC Decoded & Other Mysteries (1981)(James Farvour).pdf.7z 1,271 K Troubleshooting and Repairing Personal Computers (1983)(Tab Books).pdf.7z 17,860 K
8080-8085 Assembly Language Programming (1977)(Intel).pdf.7z 6,041 K Creepy Computer Games (1983)(Usborne Publishing).pdf.7z 2,855 K Microsoft BASIC Decoded & Other Mysteries (1981)(James Farvour)[a].pdf.7z 13,280 K Troubleshooting Microprocessors and Digital Logic (1980)(Tab Books).pdf.7z 18,271 K
A Bit of BASIC (1980)(Addison-Wesley Publishing).pdf.7z 20,761 K Custom TRS-80 and Other Mysteries (1982)(Dennis Bathory Kitsz).pdf.7z 91,280 K Model 100 Portable Computer Interactive Solutions (19xx)(Radio Shack).pdf.7z 8,057 K TRS-80 Assembly Language (1981)(Prentice Hall).pdf.7z 8,179 K
A Guide To Programming In Level II BASIC (1982)(Laurenceville Press).pdf.7z 14,350 K Custom TRS-80 and Other Mysteries (1982)(Dennis Bathory Kitsz)[a].pdf.7z 42,276 K Model 100 Portable Computer Learner's Manual (1983)(Compusoft Publishing).pdf.7z 30,026 K TRS-80 Assembly Language Made Simple (1982)(Howard W Sams).pdf.7z 11,572 K
A to Z Book of Computer Games (1979)(Thomas C McIntire).pdf.7z 13,183 K Custom TRS-80 and Other Mysteries (1982)(Dennis Bathory Kitsz)[PCL].7z 220 K Model I Disk Interfacing Guide (19xx)(William Barden Jr).pdf.7z 3,329 K TRS-80 Assembly Language Programming (1980)(Radio Shack).pdf.7z 5,851 K
Advanced BASIC (1977)(Hayden Book Company).pdf.7z 6,728 K Disassembled Handbook for TRS-80 - Volume 1 (1980)(Richcraft Engineering Ltd).pdf.7z 4,558 K Model III Programming and Applications (1982)(Prentice Hall).pdf.7z 11,700 K TRS-80 Assembly Language Subroutines (1982)(William Barden Jr).pdf.7z 11,308 K
Advanced Level II BASIC (1981)(Don Inman).pdf.7z 11,685 K Disassembled Handbook for TRS-80 - Volume 2 (1980)(Richcraft Engineering Ltd).pdf.7z 12,884 K Model III ROM Commented (1981)(SSM).pdf.7z 306 K TRS-80 Basic Computer Camp (1983)(Tandy).pdf.7z 3,021 K
Agricultural Software Sourcebook (1983)(Tandy).pdf.7z 9,754 K Disassembled Handbook for TRS-80 - Volume 3 (1981)(Richcraft Engineering Ltd).pdf.7z 16,728 K Model PC-4 Pocket Computer Programming Guide (19xx)(Tandy).pdf.7z 4,938 K TRS-80 Cobol (1983)(Prentice-Hall).pdf.7z 24,027 K
Announcing Computer Games for Business School and Home (1980)(Winthrop Publishers).pdf.7z 9,424 K Disk Basic Unravelled II (1999)(Spectral Associates).pdf.7z 1,210 K More BASIC Computer Games (1979)(David Ahl).pdf.7z 15,483 K TRS-80 Color Computer & MC-10 Programs (1983)(Radio Shack).pdf.7z 6,381 K
Applications Software Sourcebook - Volume I (19xx)(Radio Shack).pdf.7z 23,280 K Dont or How To Care For Your Computer (1981)(Sybex).pdf.7z 31,461 K More BASIC Computer Games (1980)(Creative Computing).pdf.7z 13,884 K TRS-80 Computer Reference Handbook 2nd (1982)(Radio Shack).pdf.7z 20,407 K
Applications Software Sourcebook - Volume II (19xx)(Radio Shack).pdf.7z 21,853 K Encyclopedia for the TRS-80 - Volume 01 (1981)(Wayne Green Inc).pdf.7z 10,764 K More TRS-80 Assembly-Language Programming (1982)(William Barden Jr).pdf.7z 17,026 K TRS-80 Data Communication Systems (1982)(Prentice Hall).pdf.7z 13,573 K
Applications Software Sourcebook - Volume III (19xx)(Radio Shack).pdf.7z 20,393 K Encyclopedia for the TRS-80 - Volume 02 (1981)(Wayne Green Inc).pdf.7z 10,940 K More TRS-80 BASIC (1981)(John Wiley).pdf.7z 9,941 K TRS-80 Data File Programming (1983)(John Wiley and Sons).pdf.7z 12,022 K
Applications Software Sourcebook - Volume IV (19xx)(Radio Shack).pdf.7z 46,794 K Encyclopedia for the TRS-80 - Volume 03 (1981)(Wayne Green Inc).pdf.7z 10,376 K Mostly Basic Applications For Your TRS-80 Vol. 1 (1980)(Howard W Sams).pdf.7z 5,442 K TRS-80 Data File Programming In BASIC (1981)(Leroy Finkel).pdf.7z 11,259 K
Assembly Language Programming for the CoCo 3 (1987)(Laurence A Tepolt).pdf.7z 2,412 K Encyclopedia for the TRS-80 - Volume 04 (1981)(Wayne Green Inc).pdf.7z 8,959 K Mostly Basic Applications For Your TRS-80 Vol. 2 (1981)(Howard W Sams).pdf.7z 8,344 K TRS-80 Disk and Other Mysteries (1980)(Harvard C. Pennington).pdf.7z 36,509 K
Assembly Language Programming for the Color Computer (1985)(Laurence A Tepolt).pdf.7z 13,173 K Encyclopedia for the TRS-80 - Volume 05 (1982)(Wayne Green Inc).pdf.7z 8,380 K Multiplan Models for Business (1983)(Que).pdf.7z 17,638 K TRS-80 For The Beginning Beginner (1983)(Enrich Ohaus).pdf.7z 8,335 K
Assembly Language Programming for the Model 16 (1984)(Tab Books).pdf.7z 10,700 K Encyclopedia for the TRS-80 - Volume 06 (1982)(Wayne Green Inc).pdf.7z 11,582 K My TRS-80 Likes Me (1979)(Bob Albrecht).pdf.7z 2,470 K TRS-80 Graphics (1979)(Radio Shack).pdf.7z 4,311 K
Assembly Language Programming for the Model 16 (1984)(Tab Books)[a].pdf.7z 10,503 K Encyclopedia for the TRS-80 - Volume 07 (1982)(Wayne Green Inc).pdf.7z 9,000 K My TRS-80 Likes Me (1979)(Bob Albrecht)[a].pdf.7z 208 K TRS-80 Graphics Book (1984)(Dennis Tanner).pdf.7z 16,467 K
Assembly Language Subroutines (1982)(Prentice Hall).pdf.7z 17,938 K Encyclopedia for the TRS-80 - Volume 08 (1982)(Wayne Green Inc).pdf.7z 8,995 K Numerical Analysis with the TRS-80 (1984)(Prentice-Hall).pdf.7z 7,701 K TRS-80 Graphics For The Model I and III (1982)(Byte Publications)[a].pdf.7z 19,137 K
Basic Adventure and Strategy Game Design (1984)(Facts on File Publications).pdf.7z 19,455 K Encyclopedia for the TRS-80 - Volume 09 (1982)(Wayne Green Inc).pdf.7z 10,053 K Omni Complete Catalog of Computer Hardware and Accessories (1984)(Omni Publications).pdf.7z 52,325 K TRS-80 Graphics for the Model I and Model III (1982)(David A Kater).pdf.7z 35,392 K
Basic BASIC 2nd Edition (1978)(Hayden Book Company).pdf.7z 9,035 K Encyclopedia for the TRS-80 - Volume 10 (1982)(Wayne Green Inc).pdf.7z 8,840 K OS-9 Level II and the Tandy Color Computer 3 (1994)(Rodger Alexander).pdf.7z 8,453 K TRS-80 Interfacing Book 1 (19xx)(Jonathan Titus).pdf.7z 7,083 K
Basic BASIC-English Dictionary (1982)(Dilithium Press).pdf.7z 7,268 K Explore Computing with the TRS-80 (1980)(Richard V. Andree).pdf.7z 9,511 K OS-9 Quick Reference 1st Edition (1994)(Farna Systems).pdf.7z 266 K TRS-80 Interfacing Book 2 (19xx)(Jonathan Titus).pdf.7z 11,255 K
Basic Computer Adventures (1986)(MS Press).pdf.7z 25,775 K Explore Computing with the TRS-80 (1982)(Prentice Hall Inc).pdf.7z 16,043 K OS-9 Quick Reference 2nd Edition (1994)(Farna Systems).pdf.7z 245 K TRS-80 Level II BASIC-A Teaching Guide (1980)(John Wiley and Sons).pdf.7z 8,012 K
Basic Computer Games (1978)(David Ahl).pdf.7z 11,808 K Extended Basic Unravelled II (1999)(Spectral Associates).pdf.7z 1,030 K OS-9 User Notes I (1985)(Computer Publishing Center).pdf.7z 14,980 K TRS-80 Micro Computer Technical Reference Handbook 1st Edition (1978)(Radio Shack).pdf.7z 5,255 K
Basic Computer Games - Volume II (1980)(David Ahl).pdf.7z 13,734 K Fast BASIC-Beyond TRS-80 BASIC (1982)(John Wiley and Sons).pdf.7z 19,088 K Pascal (1980)(Tab Books).pdf.7z 12,759 K TRS-80 Micro Computer Technical Reference Handbook 1st Edition (1978)(Radio Shack)[a].pdf.7z 1,722 K
Basic Computer Games Microcomputer Edition (1978)(Creative Computing).pdf.7z 11,438 K Full Turn of the Screw (1989)(Rainbow Magazine).pdf.7z 25,696 K Pathways Through the ROM (1980)(SouthSide Publications).pdf.7z 10,308 K TRS-80 Micro Computer Technical Reference Handbook 2nd Edition (1982)(Radio Shack).pdf.7z 10,385 K
Basic Computer Language It's Easier Than You Think! (1978)(Radio Shack).pdf.7z 19,975 K Games and Graphics for the TRS-80 (1983)(IJG).pdf.7z 16,276 K PC-2 Assembly Language (19xx)(Bruce Elliot).pdf.7z 6,927 K TRS-80 Model 1 and 3 Explained (19xx)(Kim Watt)[SCR].7z 30 K
Basic Conversions Handbook (1981)(Hayden Book Company).pdf.7z 2,755 K Genie I and II ROM Listing (1984)(Luidger Rockrath)(De).pdf.7z 15,267 K Personal Computer Basic Reference Manual (1983)(Prentice Hall).pdf.7z 9,307 K TRS-80 Models I & III & Color Computer Interfacing Projects (1983)(William Barden Jr).pdf.7z 17,717 K
Basic Conversions Handbook (1981)(Hayden Book Company)[a].pdf.7z 3,457 K Getting Started with Extended Color BASIC (1984)(Tandy).pdf.7z 6,449 K Personal Information Management System (1979)(SCELBI Publications).pdf.7z 5,215 K TRS-80 More Than BASIC (1981)(John Froehlich).pdf.7z 9,137 K
Basic Cookbook (1978)(Tab Books).pdf.7z 4,320 K Getting Started with TRS-80 Basic (1981)(Tandy).pdf.7z 42,004 K Pocket Computer Programming Made Easy (1982)(ARCsoft Publishers).pdf.7z 4,059 K TRS-80 Portable Computer Subroutine Cookbook (1984)(David Busch).pdf.7z 11,755 K
Basic Disk I-O Faster and Better and Other Mysteries (1983)(IJG Inc).pdf.7z 37,273 K Golden Flutes and Great Escapes (1984)(Dilithium Press).pdf.7z 11,281 K Pocket Computer Programs (1981)(Artsoft).pdf.7z 4,285 K TRS-80 Programming In Style (1980)(Radio Shack).pdf.7z 21,080 K
Basic Faster and Better and Other Mysteries (1981)(IJG Inc).pdf.7z 31,243 K Graphics and Animation on the TRS-80 (1985)(Christopher Lampton).pdf.7z 5,802 K Portable Computing with the model 100 (1984)(Tandy).pdf.7z 6,378 K TRS-80 Programs (1980)(Tom Rugg).pdf.7z 12,213 K
Basic for Business (1982)(Reston Publishing).pdf.7z 8,576 K Guide to Programming in Level II BASIC - Answer Key (19xx)(Bruce Presley-Lawrenceville Press).pdf.7z 880 K Power of Financial Calculations for Multiplan (1983)(Management Information Source).pdf.7z 15,644 K TRSDOS 2.3 Decoded and Other Mysteries (1982)(IJG Inc)[DJVU].djvu.7z 2,156 K
Basic for Microcomputers (1983)(PWS Publishers).pdf.7z 12,937 K Hardware Interfacing with the TRS-80 (1983)(Prentice-Hall).pdf.7z 13,592 K Power of Multiplan Applications (1982)(Management Information Source).pdf.7z 13,327 K TRSDOS 2.3 Decoded and Other Mysteries (1982)(IJG Inc)[DJVU][a].djvu.7z 3,166 K
Basic Fun with Adventure Games (1984)(Avon Camelot Books).pdf.7z 18,113 K How To Do It on the TRS-80 (1983)(IJG Inc).pdf.7z 37,498 K Power of Visicalc (1981)(Management Information Source).pdf.7z 4,382 K TRSDOS 2.3 Decoded and Other Mysteries (1982)(IJG Inc)[PDF].pdf.7z 14,073 K
Basic Handbook (1979)(Compusoft Publishing).pdf.7z 17,145 K How to Program Microcomputers (1977)(Howard W Sams).pdf.7z 13,084 K Practical Basic Programs (1980)(Osborne).pdf.7z 8,940 K Understanding Digital Computers (1978)(Radio Shack).pdf.7z 22,147 K
Basic Handbook 2nd Edition (1981)(CompuSoft Publishing).pdf.7z 33,797 K How to Program the Z80, Third Edition (aka Programming the Z80) (1980) (Rodney Zaks).pdf 8,276 K Problems for Computer Solution - Student Edition (1980)(Creative Computing Press).pdf.7z 6,991 K Usborne Guide to Computer Jargon (1983)(Usborne Publishing).pdf.7z 13,902 K
Basic Software Library - Volume 1 (1977)(Scientific Research Inst).pdf.7z 15,803 K How To Use The Model 100 Portable Computer (1984)(Alfred Publishing).pdf.7z 3,615 K Problems for Computer Solution - Teacher Edition (1980)(Creative Computing Press).pdf.7z 12,333 K Using AWK with OS-9 (1993)(ColorSystems).pdf.7z 2,870 K
Basic Software Library - Volume 2 (1976)(Scientific Research Inst).pdf.7z 11,011 K How To Use Your Radio Shack Printer (1985)(Microtrend).pdf.7z 20,662 K Programmer's Guide to TRSDOS Version 6, The (1983)(Misosys)[DOC].doc.7z 166 K Using the Radio Shack TRS-80 In Your Home (1981)(Van Nostrand Reinhold).pdf.7z 34,699 K
Basic Software Library - Volume 3 (1976)(Scientific Research Inst).pdf.7z 7,070 K How To Write A TRS-80 Program (1982)(Datamost).pdf.7z 13,437 K Programmer's Guide to TRSDOS Version 6, The (1983)(Misosys)[PDF].pdf.7z 358 K Using the TRS-80 In Your Home (1980)(Radio Shack).pdf.7z 10,422 K
Basic Software Library - Volume 4 (1977)(Scientific Research Inst).pdf.7z 6,716 K I Didnt Know You Could Do THAT With A Computer (1986)(Dan Gutman).pdf.7z 44,481 K Programmers Guide to LDOS 6 (1983)(Misosys).pdf.7z 15,259 K Verbal Control with Microcomputers (1982)(Tab Books).pdf.7z 11,874 K
Basic Software Library - Volume 5 (1977)(Scientific Research Inst).pdf.7z 5,971 K I Speak BASIC To My TRS-80 (1982)(Hayden Book Company).pdf.7z 14,308 K Programming Microprocessors (1977)(W M Mcmurran).pdf.7z 12,154 K VisiCalc Applications (1982)(Management Information Source).pdf.7z 12,214 K
Basic Software Library - Volume 6 (1977)(Scientific Research Inst).pdf.7z 8,048 K Inside CPM - A Guide for Users and Programmers (1982)(David Cortesi).pdf.7z 61,570 K Programming Techniques - Volume 1 (1978)(Byte Publications).pdf.7z 8,463 K VisiCalc for Your TRS-80 (1985)(John Wiley).pdf.7z 17,275 K
Basic Software Library - Volume 7 (1977)(Scientific Research Inst).pdf.7z 5,604 K Inside OS-9 Level II (1987)(Kevin Darling).pdf.7z 13,317 K Programming Techniques for Level II BASIC (1981)(William Barden).pdf.7z 9,132 K Weird Computer Games (1984)(Usborne Publishing).pdf.7z 4,251 K
Basic Software Library - Volume 8 (1978)(Scientific Research Inst).pdf.7z 4,963 K Inside Super Utility Plus Series 3.0 (1983)(Powersoft).pdf.7z 9,273 K Programming the Z-80 2nd Edition (1980)(Rodnay Zaks).pdf.7z 16,802 K Whole Earth Software Catalog (1984)(Point).pdf.7z 60,762 K
Best of Creative Computing Vol 1 (1978)(Creative Computing Press).pdf.7z 22,800 K Interface Projects for the TRS-80 (1982)(Prentice Hall).pdf.7z 10,987 K Programming the Z-80 3rd Edition (1980)(Sybex).pdf.7z 11,942 K Whole Earth Software Catalog for 1986 (1985)(Point).pdf.7z 68,286 K
Big Computer Games (1984)(Creative Computing Press).pdf.7z 13,475 K Intermediate Programming for the TRS-80 (1982)(David L Heiserman).pdf.7z 10,975 K Radio Shack Introduces The World of Computing (1977)(Radio Shack).pdf.7z 6,474 K Write Your Own Adventure Programs (1983)(Usborne).pdf.7z 9,850 K
Book of Hints for Adventures (1982)(Adventure Intl).pdf.7z 203 K Introduction to BASIC Student Manual (1979)(Radio Shack).pdf.7z 5,001 K Rest of 80 The (1983)(Wayne Green Books).pdf.7z 5,888 K Writing BASIC Adventure Programs for the TRS-80 (1982)(Frank DaCosta).pdf.7z 11,438 K
Business Applications Programming Guide (1982)(Radio Shack).pdf.7z 44,206 K Introduction to Graphics (1981)(John Grillo).pdf.7z 34,655 K ROM Routines Documented (1983)(The Alternate Source).pdf.7z 20,546 K Z-80 Assembly Language Programming (1979)(Leventhal).pdf.7z 16,557 K
Business Programs for TRS-80 Model I and III (1980)(Hayden Book Company).pdf.7z 29,456 K Introduction to Level II BASIC (1980)(Prentice Hall).pdf.7z 12,173 K Secret Guide to Computers (1980)(Scelbi).pdf.7z 6,669 K Z-80 Microcomputer Handbook (1979)(Howard W Sams).pdf.7z 16,336 K
Circuit Design Programs For The TRS-80 (1980)(Howard W. Sams).pdf.7z 32,208 K Introduction to Microcomputers - Volume II (1977)(Osborne and Associates).pdf.7z 63,576 K Small Computer Systems Handbook (1978)(Hayden).pdf.7z 14,807 K Z-80 Microcomputer Handbook (1985)(Howard W Sams).pdf.7z 12,575 K
Cobol for the TRS-80 Volume 1 Class Notes (1983)(Tandy).pdf.7z 4,914 K Introduction to T-Bug (1979)(Dilithium Press).pdf.7z 4,061 K Softside Sampler (1982)(Hayden Book Company).pdf.7z 6,007 K Z80 Assembly Language Programming (19xx)(Osborne).pdf.7z 4,778 K
Color Basic Unravelled II (1999)(Spectral Associates).pdf.7z 693 K Introduction to the Z80 Microcomputer 2nd Edition (1987)(John Wiley).pdf.7z 13,065 K Software Developers Sourcebook (1985)(Addison-Wesley Publishing).pdf.7z 24,797 K Z80 Assembly Language Subroutines (1983)(Osborne).pdf.7z 22,046 K
Color Computer Assembly Language Programming (1983)(William Barden Jr).pdf.7z 20,119 K Introduction to TRS-80 Graphics (1979)(Don Inman).pdf.7z 4,267 K Software Sourcebook 1st Edition (1984)(Alan J Lewis).pdf.7z 13,668 K Z80 Microcomputer System (19xx)(SGS).pdf.7z 6,426 K
Color Computer Hardware Programming v0.8 (2006)(Chris Lomont).pdf.7z 117 K Introduction to TRS-80 Level II BASIC (1980)(Michael Zabinski).pdf.7z 9,427 K Software Technical Manual (1979)(Houston Micro-Computer).pdf.7z 1,707 K Z80 Microprocessor (1988)(Macmillan Publishing).pdf.7z 29,989 K
Color Computer Playground (1984)(Fred D'Ignazio).pdf.7z 9,494 K Invitation To Fortran For The TRS-80 (1983)(Petrocelli Books).pdf.7z 6,499 K Some Common Basic Programs 3rd Ed (1979)(Osborne).pdf.7z 16,201 K Z80 Programming for Logic Design (1978)(Osborne and Associates).pdf.7z 17,400 K
Color Logo (1982)(Micropi).pdf.7z 10,197 K Invitation to PASCAL for the TRS-80 (1985)(Petrocelli Books).pdf.7z 13,246 K Speaking Personal (19xx)(Dennis Bathory Kitsz)(pcl).7z 14 K Z80 Users Manual (1980)(Reston Publishing).pdf.7z 10,901 K
Computer - Spiele mit TRS-80 (1984)(United Feature Syndicate).pdf.7z 6,250 K            
← 80-US Journal↑ TRS-80 Related Books and magazines80-Micro →